offensive security

Offsec Web Server Hacked

For the past couple of weeks we have been watching escalating DOS attacks against our web server, specifically against the Metasploit Unleashed Wiki. Today as we were watching our apache logs, we noticed unusual requests. A quick analysis showed that our web s

Offensive Security Exploit Archive

For the past few months, Offensive Security has been working with additional exploit addicts (Rel1k) at maintaining the integrity of the Milw0rm exploit archive. For those who don’t know, Milw0rm has been dormant in the past few weeks, for reasons which

Metasploit Rising

The Framework that we all know and love is about to take a massive leap into the future.   The MSF crew as well as the MSF itself has been placed under Rapid 7’s corporate umbrella. The framework will continue to be free, running under the BSD license.

News and Updates

We’ve got a bunch of exciting news, I’ll try to make this as short and concise as possible. The guys from the Metasploit project have teamed up with Offensive Security to significantly expand our current Metasploit Unleashed public course. Work is