Happy Holidays from Offsec

We at Offensive Security would like to thank all of our students, customers, and friends for a wonderful 2014. Its been a busy but productive year, with major upgrades to Kali Linux, the release of Kali NetHunter, the public launch of the hosted virtual labs, the first ever Kali Linux Dojo, upgrades to our student labs, lots of interesting R&D, a bunch of 0-days and a number of other accomplishments. We enjoyed the journey with all of you and here is to a fun and productive 2015! We wanted to thank you with this video we produced for all y’all.

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Professional Penetration Testing Labs

For the past few months, we have been quietly beta testing and perfecting our new Enterprise Penetration Testing Labs, or as we fondly call it, the “Offensive Security Proving Grounds (PG)”. Today, we are proud to unveil our hosted penetration testing labs – a safe virtual network environment designed to be attacked and penetrated as a means of learning and sharpening your penetration testing skills. The new design of the Proving Grounds include multiple interconnected subnets with a wide array of modern operating systems, including Active Directory domains, Citrix systems, corporate Antivirus solutions as well as Intrusion Prevention Systems which attackers must learn to cope with.

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Bypassing Windows and OSX Logins with NetHunter & Kon-boot

The Kali Linux NetHunter platform has many hidden features which we still haven’t brought to light. One of them is the DriveDroid application and patch set, which have been implemented in NetHunter since v1.0.2. This tool allows us to have NetHunter emulate a bootable ISO or USB, using images of our choosing. That’s right, you can use NetHunter as a boot device which holds a library of bootable ISOs and images…And so we begin:

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